Bahan: A. 400 gr gula tepung 200 gr telur (kurleb 4 butir) 320 cc air 1/2 sdt vanilla cream B. 400 gr tepung terigu cap segitiga 50 gr cacao powder 1/2 sdt garam 1 sdt baking powder C. 20 gr cake emulsifier D. 50 gr chocolate chip Cara Membuat: 1. Kocok bahan A kurleb 5 menit dengan kecepatan maksimum. 2. Masukkan bahan B, kocok selamat 1 menit. (saya pada tahap ini, menggunakan
Aneka Resep Masakan Dapur Kuliner, Kue Khas Indonesia dan Tips Cara Memasak Makanan Ibu Tradisional Tersaji Lengkap.
Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013
Brownies Kukus Mekar NY Liem
Bahan: A. 400 gr gula tepung 200 gr telur (kurleb 4 butir) 320 cc air 1/2 sdt vanilla cream B. 400 gr tepung terigu cap segitiga 50 gr cacao powder 1/2 sdt garam 1 sdt baking powder C. 20 gr cake emulsifier D. 50 gr chocolate chip Cara Membuat: 1. Kocok bahan A kurleb 5 menit dengan kecepatan maksimum. 2. Masukkan bahan B, kocok selamat 1 menit. (saya pada tahap ini, menggunakan
Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013
resep Membuat Telur Pindang
Bahan-bahan resep Membuat Telur Pindang
- 8 butir telur ayam
- 8 butir kulit bawang merah
- 10 lembar daun jambu biji
- 800 cc air
- 3 siung bawang putih, iris tipis
- 1 sendok teh garam
- 7 sendok makan kecap manis
- 1/2 sendok teh lada bubuk
- 1 sendok teh penyedap rasa, jika suka
- 100 cc air
Membuat Telur Pindang
- Rebus telur yg sudah di beri kulit bawang dan daun jambu dengan 800 cc air. Ketuk-ketuk kulit telur agar meresap. Setelah matang, kupas kulitnya. Sisihkan
- Tumis bawang putih sampai harum, masukkan 100 cc air, kecap manis, lada, garam, penyedap rasa. Masak sampai matang, angkat.
- Hidangkan.
Senin, 30 September 2013
Daging Sapi Lada Hitam
Resep Daging Sapi Lada Hitam
Bahan Bahan yang di Gunakan Untuk Resep Daging Sapi Lada Hitam:
300 gr daging sapi has dalam, iris tipis
3 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1 bh bawang bombai, belah 4, potong kasar
2 sdm lada hitam butiran, sangrai, gerus kasar
2 sdm saus tiram
1 sdt minyak wijen
1/2 bh paprika merah, potong kasar
1/2 bh paprika hijau, potong kasar
100 ml air
Minggu, 29 September 2013
* Nasi putih 600 gr * Ikan asin jambal roti, potong dadu kecil, goreng hingga kering 50 gr * Cabe merah besar, buang biji, potong serong tipis 2 buah * Royco ayam 1 bungkus * Blue Band 1 sdm * Daun kucai, potong panjang 3 cm 2 tangkai * Telur, kocok lepas 2 butir * Lada 1/4 sdt * Saus tiram 1 sdt * Kecap
betawi beef spare rib soup recipe
you can serve this dish as a starter but in Betawi tradition ,it is served with bowl of rice and sambal as accompaniment.the combination of the spices,kaffir lime juice and just a little touch of chillies makes this dish exquisite
betawi beef spare rib soup ingredients
Ribs produce some fat when you cook them and i spoon out the fat as it cools on top of the stock. To make a really fat-free version, prepare the stock one day before (it's easy to skim off the fat after the stock has been in the fridge overnight), discard the ribs and replacewith slices of tenderloin. You can use still the ribs for a barbeque or put themin the oven after seasoning with salt and black pepper, lime juice some olive oil and fresh thym.
After having removed the stock from the refrigerator, re-heat, add the spices and other ingredients, then add slices of tenderloin and cook around 5 minute.
Enjoy the original taste of betawi beef ribs soup, but whit tender and juicymeat that is practically fat-free!
betawi beef spare rib soup ingredients
- Beef spare Ribs 750 Gr,cut into individual rib lengths and chop each into smaller cube portions [the buthcer can do this for you at most stores if you ask].
- 1.5 litres bolling water
- 1 teaspoon cloves [powder of freshly ground]
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon [powder of freshly ground]
- 1 teaspoon greated nutmeg
- 1 spiring onion
- 2 tablespoon chopped chinese celery or seledri
- 4 cm galangal [sliced roughly]
- 1 stalk lemon grass [crushed]
- 2 tablespoon kafiir lime juice
- 2 sliced red chilles [or ot your preterred
- taste. It is optional]
- 2 sliced tomato
- 2 daun salam [kind of bay leat] or you cant replace with bay leaves
- Salt and black pepper to taste
- Sprinkles of fried shallots [around to table spoons]
- First, boll water
- Add the beef ribs to bolling water. Cook until the meat is tender-about 1 hour.
- Add spices, lemon grass, and galangal.
- Add spring union and chopped parsley.
- Add lime juice, chilies slices of tomatoes 2 minute before serving.
- Season with salt and black pepper.
- Sprinkle with fried shallot. Serve.
Ribs produce some fat when you cook them and i spoon out the fat as it cools on top of the stock. To make a really fat-free version, prepare the stock one day before (it's easy to skim off the fat after the stock has been in the fridge overnight), discard the ribs and replacewith slices of tenderloin. You can use still the ribs for a barbeque or put themin the oven after seasoning with salt and black pepper, lime juice some olive oil and fresh thym.
After having removed the stock from the refrigerator, re-heat, add the spices and other ingredients, then add slices of tenderloin and cook around 5 minute.
Enjoy the original taste of betawi beef ribs soup, but whit tender and juicymeat that is practically fat-free!
Sabtu, 28 September 2013
Cara Memasak Opor Ayam Cap Go Meh
- 1 ekor ayam kampung, potong 8
- 100 gr kacang kedelai sangrai, tumbuk halus
- 50 gr udang kering, tumbuk halus
- 1 jari kunyit
- 5 siung bawang putih
- 8 butir kemiri
- 1 buah cabai merah, buang biji
- 2 batang serai, memarkan
- 3 lembar daun salam
- 1/2 sendok teh ketumbar bubuk
- 1.200 cc santan dari 1 butir kelapa
- 1 sendok teh garam
- 1 sendok teh penyedap, jika suka
- 1 sendok makan gula pasir
- Minyak goreng secukupnya
- Lontong siap beli secukupnya
Cara Memasak
- Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, masukkan ayam, daun salam, serai, garam, penyedap rasa, ketumbar, gula pasir, santan. Masak sampai empuk.
- Angkat, taburi dengan kacang kedelai, udang kering. Hidangkan dengan lontong.
Bubur Sumsum Nangka
Resep Bubur Sumsum Nangka Bahan Resep Bubur Sumsum Nangka : 150 g tepung beras 100 ml air daun suji pandan 900 ml santan 1 lembar daun pandan, potong-potong 1 sdt garam 100 g nangka, potong kecil Saus Gula Merah: 250 g gula aren 200 ml air 2 sdm gula pasir ½ sdt garam 1 lembar daun pandan, potong-potong Cara Membuat Resep Bubur Sumsum
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